Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Latest News on the Water Plant
Flyers have been distributed. Thanks to everyone who helped. We are still finding people who do not know about this water plant. Please let your neighbors know. Get out the vote! This board needs to know how the people feel about this project. Your vote will get their attention. We need a change in this board.
Jack Curtsinger, Dick Judge, two board members (don't know which ones), the engineers and Richard Ramirez will meet on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. to discuss the alternate location. Jack will be given one hour to make his presentation.
On Monday, May 5, at 4:00 p.m. at the RPMUD office the decision will be made on the location of the water treatment plant. This is an open meeting. Please plan on being there. The election is May 10. Don't you think they could wait a week?
If you haven't voiced your opposition to the location of this plant, now is the time to do so. You can make a difference. RPMUD's e-mail address is As before, please copy or blindcopy us at We will make sure the board receives the hard copies.
You might also want to write a Letter to the Editor at the Courier. Send it to with your name and phone number for verification. Some of your letters really sent the message loud and clear to the MUD board and the RPCIA. This would be a good way to get that message out to our community.
The more pressure we can put on this board the better.
Before the last meeting, Rep. Kevin Brady wrote a letter requesting a delay. Together Rep. Brandon Creighton and Senator Tommy Williams' office called all five directors. They were only able to talk to two. The other three have not returned their phone calls. We have asked Ryan Larue with Senator Williams' office to call the other three again. Please contact our reps and ask them to help put pressure on this board to at least wait until after the election to make a decision on the location of this plant. Their e-mail addresses are:, and
The contacts by our political leaders and all of your e-mails helped to get a two-week extension on this decision.
TCEQ, which gets blamed for a lot, was actually trying to help us with this situation. Not all MUDs are perfect, but I don't think anyone has seen one like this. Our contact advised us to have people run for the board positions, which we already had in motion. He also advised us to get a copy of their insurance policy. We did, and found it was insufficient. He told us this agency is under the Open Records Act, and all information is available to us. Just make a request in writing. He also said that just because the project is built, it doesn't mean it can't be moved. Take this fence, for example. This was a project of RPMUD, not of the plant contractor who has not yet been awarded the contract. RPMUD wanted it up to make everyone think that this was a done deal, so it's too late to object. Not so.
Remember to VOTE for Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger. Early voting times and locations: Election Day, Saturday, May 10, voting will take place at the fire station next to the club parking lot.
Reed Watson has been kind enough to make up a blog for this forum - I'm on the low end of the learning curve on this, but hope to get up to speed soon.
Friday, April 25, 2008
RPMUD Two Week Reprieve
Do You Like What RPMUD Is Building near the Front of RP?
RPMUD is planning on building a 500,000-gallon water treatment plant near the front of RP, including a pressure tank, chlorine gas injection system, generator with a diesel motor and a 24’ high by 60’ diameter tank.
Early voting starts Monday, April 28 – Saturday, May 3 – 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday, May 5 – Tuesday, May 6 – 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at any early voting location.
Election Day – May 10 – 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at RP Fire Station next to Club.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
HELP NEEDED: Inundate RPMUD and RPCIA with E-Mail!
"Community Improvement Association." Doesn't that mean improving the community?
Thanks for your help. Jack Curtsinger will make his presentation about an alternate site to the RPMUD board Thursday. He has met with engineers in this field, and he is totally correct in his assumptions. Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger are running against the two incumbents. Ken Meneke's name is on the ballot, but he has withdrawn so as not to dilute the vote. He will run in 2010. Early voting starts Monday, April 28. Election Day is Saturday, May 10. Thanks again. See you on Thursday.
Monday, April 21, 2008
RPMUD March Update
Another update from last month sent out to the distribution list.
Dick Judge and Ken Meneke have filed to be on the ballot in the May 10 election for the two directors' positions. These are four-year terms up in 2012.
Judge and Meneke have stated they are running because they want transparency in this taxing authority. They both want to represent the taxpayers/residents of River Plantation and Mosswood to protect their property values. They pledge to work to change the time of the meetings to 7:30 pm instead of 4 pm; notify residents of the meetings at least a week beforehand; furnish information on income and expenses of the district; and address any other concerns.
There will be another election in 2010 for three positions. It is interesting that RPMUD sent a notice about this election, but have yet to notify everyone about the proposed water plant.
We are planning a petition drive for RPMUD residents on Saturday, March 15 at 1 pm at our home. OR, to make it easier, you can ask five or ten of your neighbors to sign a petition. Just add this wording to the top of a sheet of paper: "I object to the location of the water plant at well #3 in the front of River Plantation." If they have signed a petition in the Pro Shop, they can sign this again. Have the residents sign their names and addresses. Ask if they are on our e-mail list. If not, please secure their e-mail addresses by using another sheet of paper for that list. Let us know which streets you are covering, so there will not be duplication. This petition serves two purposes: 1) lets RPMUD know we, as taxpayers/residents, oppose this and want our voices heard, and 2) it will alert people to this problem who don't know about it. When you are done, give us a call, and we'll pick up the forms and present them at the next board meeting on 3/27.
Now to the 2/28 Board Meeting -
When asked of the board what other sites they are considering, we were told they asked the Club if they had extra land and were told they did not, and they looked at the site of the burned-out condos in Mosswood. In our opinion, the Mosswood site is a terrible choice.
A question was asked if a feasibility study was done for this water plant. It was stated that the engineer prepared it and had it at his office. The board was asked why someone who would benefit from the construction would do the feasibility study. There was no answer. The engineer was called Friday morning 2/29, and the report was requested. Bill Kotlan said there was no feasibility report, but a justification report was compiled for the TCEQ. We asked for that. Didn't receive it until Thursday afternoon 3/6. It is now called a design report. #1 on the list of reasons for this plant: "A proposed commercial development within the District is anticipated to add an additional 381 Equivalent Single Family connections." (Thought this wasn't for the other side of the freeway.) #2 - "In committing additional capacity, consideration must be made to providing backup capacity to East Plantation Utility District (559 ESPCs)." (EPUD has more than enough water.) ??? This report was sent to TCEQ on 3/6.
Ramirez showed photos of how well the plant site at well #1 is covered by trees and vines. Homeland Security dictates that there can be no trees or foliage within ten feet of the fence. When we first got into this with RPMUD, we were told the trees and vines at well #1 would be torn down, because of this regulation.
We checked the survey of the proposed plant at well #3. It appears that one and possibly two trees will have to come down when they start construction, because they are on the fence line. These are the two trees northeast of the out-of-bounds marker. This makes it more visible as you enter.
Hayes Utilities handles 20-30 MUD facilities in the area, plus a number of smaller facilities. All are using liquid purification, because they feel gas is too dangerous in a populated area. Our MUD still insists gas is the better choice of the two. What is going on here?
RPMUD February Update
Although this e-mail was sent out in February, I thought it contained a lot of important questions to consider that may help start a discussion here on this forum. Please read and respond to the questions that are most important to you.
First of all, we want to make it perfectly clear that we had no knowledge of a possible plant location on the land next to us when we purchased our property. If you will call the RPMUD office, they will verify this. This is not only about us. It affects everyone living in River Plantation, Mosswood and everyone who is a member of River Plantation Country Club.
Great turnout at the RPMUD board meeting on 1/25, over 80 people attended. Next meeting will be Thursday, February 28, at 4 p.m.
A presentation was given by MUD's consulting engineer - Bleyl & Associates. (I have requested a copy, so we can more fully investigate the numbers.) The gist of the presentation was that we need this plant for water for fire protection. One of the slides showed high usage in the summer.
There was not much of a presentation showing how this plant would be disguised.
The public comments included concern about a chlorine gas leak, the effect this plant would have on property values, and the need for another location. People were very vocal about the effect the location of this plant would have on RP, and how it would affect property values and hamper real estate sales. One resident suggested that RPMUD exchange water for sewer services to EPUD during the high usage (summer) months. Seemed like an easy and cheap solution to this problem.
During our discussions with RPMUD, we have heard that this new plant is needed if (1) well #2 goes out; (2) if the plant at well #2 fails; (3) if a hurricane destroys plant #2; and now (4) for water for fire protection.
We would like to remind everyone, we have not had any new development in RPMUD. We may have the same number of homes that we had in 1994, taking into account the ones that were removed after the flood and any new ones built since then. EPUD has 1,000,000 gallons of storage (two 500,000-gallon tanks at two plants). RPMUD has a 500,000-gallon and a 70,000-gallon tank. If anything happens to plant #2, there already is a tie-in to EPUD, so repairs can be made.
The RPMUD board made a motion to continue to get prices for the components for the proposed plant, and would look at any other sites we could find. Many people stayed until the meeting was adjourned.
Questions to Consider
If this plant is so important to the residents of River Plantation and Mosswood, why haven't we received a notice about this?
Where is the proof that this plant is needed for fire protection?
Why would RPMUD consider this site at the the front of River Plantation for a plant that will look like the facility in back across from the C-Store?
Have they looked at other locations for this plant? In any event, if you know of a site around 0.4 - 0.5 acre in the area, please bring it to their attention and present it at the next board meeting.
How much has this project cost to date? If the residents had been notified when RPMUD first decided to do this project, wouldn't the public outcry have placed this on hold until all questions were answered?
Here is the phone number of the MUD office:
RPMUD - 936/273-4641
If you would like to call the TCEQ and complain, Heidi Graham approved the permit. Her telephone number is 512/239-0844. Vera Poe is her supervisor and can be reached at 512/239-6988.
We are continuing to add e-mail addresses for these updates. Our list includes the members of RPCC, RPLGA, people we have contacted and now those that are contacting us. We are sure that there are people who still do not know about this.
Total capacity is over 1,500,000 million gallons of water storage in RP.
A "plant" is made up of these main components: Well, storage tank, hydro-pneumatic tank, generator and chlorine injection system. If any of these items break down, they can be repaired. If the pneumatic tank breaks down, the other components still work. In the event of a loss of either a well, hydro-pneumatic tank, generator, storage tank or chlorine injection system, we can tie into EPUD, and have done so when we had a problem at the #2 site.
At the RPCIA meeting on Tuesday, January 22, Richard Ramirez, Manager of RPMUD, said the new plant proposed for Charleston 5 was not for the property across the freeway. RPMUD on this side of the freeway is essentially built out. About a year ago, the cost of this project was $586,000. Now it is $689,000. This is an increase of over $100,000!
RPMUD supplies sewer service to EPUD. RPMUD has the only sewer treatment plant in RP.
Last Thursday's Water Treatment Plant Meeting
Attached are photos showing what the water treatment plant will look like at various locations. If you will click on the above attachments, the photos will be larger than the ones you may see at the bottom of this e-mail. Thanks to Barry Calnan for the aerial.

The Blackburnes are planning on making Charleston the showpiece of RPCC. This won't help.
The RPMUD board will meet this Thursday, at 4:00 p.m., at their office at 610 River Plantation Drive, to accept the bid for construction of this plant. The permanent fencing you see at the site is not the plant contractor's, it is RPMUD's, built under separate contract. Please be there to protest.
Don't forget the RPMUD election on May 10. Early voting starts Monday, April 28.
Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger are running against the incumbents. The Election Day Voting Location is the RP Fire Station.