Saturday, May 31, 2008

Toxic Well Update

If you are not on the Toxic Well Update list, please send an e-mail to Jennifer Real at or click on

You can also add your e-mail address to the "alert" on to receive updates as they are posted.

Dick and I went to Austin with the group in May. It was quite an eye opener. We are planning to go again in June. If you can make it, please do so. Numbers do matter.

Jennifer's latest update is shown below.

Dolores Judge
936/321-4890 (Metro)
936/273-3777 (Conroe)

Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 22:40:43 -0400
To: jreal1@peoplepc.comSubject: Toxic Well Update

Toxic Times Update

1. Sunday June 1st is Day of Awareness.
A. Woodland’s Kroger’s stores at Alden Bridge, Sterling Ridge, and Cochran’s Crossing will have a table set up giving out info and signing petitions from 11am –2pm. Conroe Kroger’s pending will advise ASAP. If you can help man a table please let me know. or call 936-499-7173.

B. Woodlands Mall & Market Street. We also need to get a couple groups of 4 or more to wear stop the toxic well t-shirts and walk the mall and Market Street together. When groups are together with their shirts on people will ask you what your shirt means at that point you can give them info (this is how you get around not being able to hand out flyers at the mall or market street). Again let me know if you would be available to do this on Sunday from noon – 2pm @ mall & or 2pm -4pm Market Street

C. Everyone commit to give out 25 Flyers- On the website you will find a printable flyer. Please print out 25 copies and give out on the day of awareness. Take to church, walk door to door, post at area business, etc...

2. Public Hearing with the TCEQ Commissioners
A date has NOT been set as of today. However it could be scheduled any day now. We hope for at least 30 days notice but it is not required. TCEQ only has to give 10 days notice. We MUST be prepared to head to AUSTIN at a moments notice or at least 10 days. If you are reading this you must come to AUSTIN. This is the LAST CHANCE for us to stop these permits. David Walker county attorney and ALL of our public officials have stated this is the communities last chance to help stop the permits. We need all residents to attend the public hearing. WE HAVE TO PACK at least 4-6 buses = 200-300 PLUS attendees. This is when we say PLEASE TAKE OFF WORK or do whatever it takes to attend. If you would like to speak or add some info for consideration at hearings please contact me Jennifer Real @ 936-499-7173 or and I will put you in contact with our group’s liaison for the hearing.

Thank you!
Jennifer Real
936-499-7173 or jreal1@peoplepc.com________________________________________
PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Call for New Topics

In the spirit of this being a place for RP residents to talk about issues our community faces, I would like to solicit some new topics to be discussed on this blog. Of course, the new water treatment facility is on all our minds lately, but what else is bugging you, RP?!?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Directors Have Been Sworn In

Well, Jack and Dick are now legal. Sworn in at the board meeting today. Residents are still concerned about the danger of chlorine gas. Ramirez is now saying it is dangerous in liquid form. His information is now in direct opposition to what we are hearing from the San Jacinto River Authority and Hayes Utilities, who handles April Sound, Bentwater, Walden and Del Lago. Ramirez also said that the majority of water districts use chlorine gas purification, and he admits there are no others as close as this one will be to residents. The board will attempt to find an expert in this field to explain the ramifications of both to the residents of RP.

On a lighter note, the RPMUD "gardeners" took out a tree within the fence line. It fell on the fence and bent the barbed wire. Still don't understand why this fence was put up before construction starts. They are planning on adding more landscaping. Don't they know they can't hide a tank 24' high and 60' wide?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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These instructions are also posted in the sidebar of this blog for easy reference.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger will be sworn in as directors on Tuesday, May 20, at 4:00 p.m.

This meeting will replace the normally scheduled board meeting on Thursday, May 22.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Thanks to all of you! Dick and Jack won by a 3+ to 1 margin. Needless to say, Dick and Jack are ready to get to work.

Here is a link to the vote total:

If you have any problems or concerns about RPMUD, please let us know. Dick Judge's phone number is 936/321-4890 and Jack Curtsinger's is 936/828-2100.

Thanks again for all of your help. Together we will make this a more responsible RPMUD.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Vote for Judge and Curtsinger, Saturday, May 10

Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger are running for the two directors' positions this Saturday, May 10. Voting location is the fire station next to the Club parking lot - 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Judge and Curtsinger want to make the following changes:

Work to stop construction of the plant near the front of RP
Move board meetings from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Add the cap back to the tax rate
Keep all residents informed
Listen to all of the residents
Investigate all alternatives before making capital project decisions.

Ken Meneke is on the ballot, but he has Withdrawn and will run in 2010.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Vote! Vote! Vote!

RP residents, do your duty. Be sure to get out there and vote. Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger are running for the two directors' positions. Here are the early voting dates and locations:

Election Day is Saturday, May 10, at the fire station next to the club.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Regarding the RPMUD Newsletter of 4/08 delivered last week

In order to clarify the information contained in the RPMUD newletter 04-2008 that you received last week, please review the following:

1. The land in question for this water plant, between Mosswood Drive and the #5 Charleston fairway, was acquired by RPMUD from RPCC in 1995. The RPCC Board and adjacent property owners were told it was for a new water well (water well #3), which would supply water to water plant #2 and supplement well #2 at the site near the middle of the RPMUD district. This well has been operating for 12 years. There is also room at #2 to construct a second storage tank, rather than at the front entrance site. Raising taxes is not an item, since RPMUD already has the money in hand for the project.

2. Local realestate agents and appraisers have said real estate values will decrease due to the plant location at the entrance to RP and Mosswood.

We currently have a reliable source of water and a backup well (#3) for our primary #2 plant.

3. East Plantation Utility District has over 200% of their needs, and they are currently 86% built out. Either of their two plants can handle their requirements, and they are interconnected to RPMUD in case of a problem.

EPUD does not have a sewage treatment plant. They use the RPMUD plant near the RPMUD office. At one of our RPMUD meetings, it was suggested trading water for sewage.

4. The current main plant #2 is on the outer edge of the 100-year flood plain and did suffer some damage during the 1994 500-year flood. A 2.5 -foot berm was built around that site after the 1994 flood. There is also room there for another large storage tank and another well, if the current well finally fails.

5. The chlorine gas hazard is real. The objections to it in proximity to homes in the #3 well area have not Fizzled, and was discussed last Wednesday at the consulting engineer's office. They refuse to budge in using liquid water purification rather than gas, even though it has been pointed out that major county neighbors use liquid due to the plant's proximity to residential, commercial and public use areas. The San Jacinto River Authority uses liquid at their primary facility in The Woodlands' Sterling Ridge area. April Sound, Bentwater, Del Lago, and Walden also are liquid.

The last line of RPMUD's #5 item - "we live here also" is not exactly true. The first four names in the newsletter live here, but a long way away from the #3 site. The last two live in Walden and Conroe.

6. The noise problem has not fizzled either. The noise levels at the similar locations in EPUD are loud when turned on. The pumps at RPMUD #2 are noticeable at 100 feet from the pumps.

7. The March 6, 2008, letter from RPMUD's consulting engineer concerning the reasons to build plant #3 cite the potential development on the west side of I-45 as a primary reason. It projected a commercial, multi-family development equivalent to 781 housing units, which would cause about a 74% increase in RPMUD's current use. Other factors in the letter were "fire protection" - the RPVFD only needs 10 hydrants; tanker trucks are their primary source of water, and "support for EPUD if they have a problem" - this one is a puzzle due to their overcapacity.

Finally, this last paragraph about "agenda out there whose primary purpose is more interested in personal benefit rather than general good of the majority, causing us to spend considerably more in legal fees and engineering fees." Had the RPMUD board been up front with the community, they might have avoided this. Remember the RPMUD community, EPUD community, Mosswood community and RPCC non-resident members are all upset about this project in front of our subdivision.

Also, to whose personal benefit are they referring? Property devaluation to residents is not a benefit. Is someone on the board benefiting? We hope not.
Posted by Dick Judge

Monday, May 5, 2008

Today's Meeting Was a Sham!!

What a waste of time!!! The compromise wasn't even considered, although it was noted. No mention of the San Jacinto River Authority not supplying water to the River Plantation MUD area, since the 30% surface water requirement would suffice for the county by supplying water to the City of Conroe and The Woodlands area
Max Mahaffey put the motion to a vote to accept the low bidder and get the 500,000-gallon water plant started at well #3. It passed 3 to 2. Max Mahaffey, Bob Harvill and James Dillon voted for it, without even being at the engineering meeting and not knowing about the San Jacinto River Authority's intentions. No comments were allowed from the public.

It is extremely important to get out the vote for these two directors' positions. Call you neighbors. If your children can vote, all the better. We need high numbers for this election!

Tomorrow is the last day for early voting.
Election Day - Saturday, May 10, at the fire station next to the Club parking lot. Vote for Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger.

We are calling and writing to our elected officials. We ask you to do the same. Here are their e-mail addresses and phone numbers: - Sarah Stephens, Dist. Dir., 936/441-5700 - Ryan Larue - 281/364-9426 - Connie - 936/539-0028 - Craig Doyal - 936/539-7816

RPMUD Board Meeting 5/5/08 - 5 p.m.

Open Meeting at RPMUD Office -

There is one item on the agenda -

1. Discuss/Review Bid Tabulations and Alternative Bids for Water Plant No. 3, Award Contract, Authorize the President to Sign Contract and Release Funds Necessary for Construction, Plus Authorize Engineer to Proceed with Project to Completion.

Dated 4/30/08

Saturday, May 3, 2008

RPMUD Compromise

At the meeting last Wednesday between Jack Curtsinger, Tom Young, Richard Ramirez, Bill Kotlan and Dick Judge, a compromise of sorts was reached.

It was decided that a 300,000-gallon tank could be erected some time later at water plant #2 to service the future needs of the community.A smaller tank would be constructed at well #3 near the front of RP to accommodate the ground water requirements of the Lone Star Water Conservation District.

Tom Young is to present this to the rest of the Board of Directors.

On Thursday it was learned that the San Jacinto River Authority has no plans at this time to pump water to the east side of I-45 to any of the MUDs. SJRA feels that they can comply with the Lone Star Water Conservation District's 30% rule by furnishing water from Lake Conroe to the City of Conroe and The Woodlands area only. Their plan will be submitted to LSWCD by 3/2/09. The requirement for 30% use of ground water is not scheduled to go into effect until 2015.

This could negate the need for a conversion tank at Well #3. The addition of the 300,000-gallon tank at Well #2 will serve the future needs of the community, without ruining the front of River Plantation.

As of Thursday, Ron Kelling of the San Jacinto River Authority called Richard Ramirez to explain this to him, but had not yet heard from Bill Kotlan. Curtsinger called Tom Young and spoke with him Thursday evening about this new development. Young was not aware of this.

The Board will make a decision on this project at their open meeting on Monday at 5:00 p.m. Please be there. This project needs more study.

Friday, May 2, 2008

RPMUD Update

(NOTE: Open Meeting - RPMUD directors will meet on Monday, May 5th, to discuss the bids and award the contract. TIME: 5:00 PM not 4:00 p.m.)

Jack Curtsinger met with Bill Kotlan (Bleyl & Associates), Tom Young, Richard Ramirez and Dick Judge Wednesday morning to discuss alternate sites.

One of the main reasons RPMUD wants the tank up front is because of the new ground water rules. However, the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) has not made a decision on anything and will not until 3/2/09. At this time it is doubtful the SJRA will provide water east of I-45. The SJRA feels they can meet the 30% goal for the area by providing water to City of Conroe and The Woodlands area only. There are other reasons for the project; it just doesn't need to be where proposed. Rep. Brandon Creighton is attempting to contact the Board members asking for a postponement until after 5/10.

Remember to VOTE! Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger are running for the two directors' positions. Here are the early voting dates and locations: Election Day is Saturday, May 10, at the fire station next to the club.