Monday, May 5, 2008

Today's Meeting Was a Sham!!

What a waste of time!!! The compromise wasn't even considered, although it was noted. No mention of the San Jacinto River Authority not supplying water to the River Plantation MUD area, since the 30% surface water requirement would suffice for the county by supplying water to the City of Conroe and The Woodlands area
Max Mahaffey put the motion to a vote to accept the low bidder and get the 500,000-gallon water plant started at well #3. It passed 3 to 2. Max Mahaffey, Bob Harvill and James Dillon voted for it, without even being at the engineering meeting and not knowing about the San Jacinto River Authority's intentions. No comments were allowed from the public.

It is extremely important to get out the vote for these two directors' positions. Call you neighbors. If your children can vote, all the better. We need high numbers for this election!

Tomorrow is the last day for early voting.
Election Day - Saturday, May 10, at the fire station next to the Club parking lot. Vote for Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger.

We are calling and writing to our elected officials. We ask you to do the same. Here are their e-mail addresses and phone numbers: - Sarah Stephens, Dist. Dir., 936/441-5700 - Ryan Larue - 281/364-9426 - Connie - 936/539-0028 - Craig Doyal - 936/539-7816


Unknown said...

Replacing two MUD BOD members this time and two the next time can mean that the tank can be taken down and hauled somewhere else. Also, the new BOD members to be elected should plan to restore the cap on MUD rates that was taken out last November by 12 votes. Election ballot unknown to many. Restore the rate cap. This represents the power of the purse and who holds the purse. Not RP but the MUD board.

Dolores Judge said...

If Dick Judge and Jack Curtsinger are elected to this board, that is one of the many items that they will work to change. No matter who is on this board, there needs to be a tax cap.