Monday, November 17, 2008

RPMUD Agenda - This Thursday, 11/20, at 4 pm at RPMUD office

1. Confirm minutes of 10/23/08 meeting.

2. Comments from the Public

3. Review/Approve Letter to Residents regarding Open Storm
Drainage Boxes

4. Discuss/Approve Purchase of 1,000-gallon Diesel Tank at WTP 2.

5. Review/Approve Pay Estimate #2 to Schier Construction Generator

6. Review/Approve Purchase of Emergency Replacement Generator
for WTP #2.

7. Discuss/Authorize Early Bond Payment

8. Review Administrative Reports

9. Discuss any new or unfinished business

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wednesday, 11/19, Bus Trip to Austin

Be sure to reserve a seat on one of the four buses heading to Austin on Wednesday, November 19, to fight the injection wells planned for our area.

Click on the links below for more info:

Courier - 11/16/08

Houston Chronicle - 11/15/08

If either of these links do not work, please copy and paste it above, and click Enter.

Hope to see you there.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Water Is Safe!!

The 8-in. water main broke in the vicinity of Jubal Early and Cumberland last Tuesday. The water system has been tested and passed purification requirements. Work is still being done on the main, but water is safe.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boil Water Until Further Notice!

The RPMUD office has advised everyone to boil their water until further notice.

When they tell us the water is safe, we will post another notice on the blog.

Boil Your Water!!

The RPMUD office has advised all residents to boil their water until the main is fixed and water pressure is normal.