Friday, August 29, 2008

Toxic Wells / TCEQ / TexCom Hearing Date Set

Stop The Toxic Wells / CROW

September 24, 2008 Austin Texas (1:00pm)

This is it folks “THE” date we have all been waiting for.
Come one come ALL we need everyone to attend this hearing.
We MUST fill a minimum of 4 buses to fill the hearing rooms…This is critical. Come show your support for your community and your opposition to the injection well permits. You are making a stand to save your home, your business, your life and the lives of your family.
There is no option but to attend.

Email me today with you commitment and or to reserve your seat on the bus to
*** Experts please call me to get date to get together and plan.

Buses will leave @ 9:00 am and return?? (That evening)
Pick up locations:
1. Conroe - Lone Star Convention Center ( address & map will be sent to all confirmed seat holders)
2. Woodlands - Kroger’s @ Alden Bridge

Donation of $10 per person is appreciated to help cover bus cost but not mandatory. Our priority is to fill the buses.

We need people to purchase signs to advertise this hearing. The cost is $5 per sign. Email me right away if you would like one, two, three etc...
· Great idea – put them in your car window and when you go to the Mall or Market Street etc.. Everyone will see them.

Volunteer Help Needed
1. To go door to door with flyers for hearing.
2. Help us call people on our petitions that do not have email to advise of hearing date.
Email me if you can help out with this

Meeting set for Grangerland Fire Dept. Sept. 4th 2008 7pm
This meeting will confirm bus info. Plan from lawyers as what to expect and what happens after hearing. We will also have flyers for door to door distribution, signs and more info.
Address and directions to follow shortly..

Thanks everyone for everything. This is it don’t stop now tell EVERYONE you can and tell them to do the same.

Jennifer Real – or call me @
936-499-7173 or 936-756-5726

Monday, August 25, 2008

RPMUD 8/28 meeting

The following list of items will be discussed at the 8/28 meeting:

1. Public hearing on the tax rates

2. Confirm minutes of 7/24 and 8/11 meetings.

3. Comments from the public.

4. Representative will discuss chlorine gas.

5. Review/approve FYE 2009 budgets.

6. Consider, adopt and set 2008 tax rate.

7. Review/approve change orders nos. 2 and 3.

8. Confirm protocol on legal inquiries directed at the District.

9. Confirm costs in responding to Open Records Act.

10. Discuss Dippel's 7/17 letter to District regarding Posting of Notices.

11. Discuss open storm drainage collection boxes in district.

12. Review/vote for board for TX Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool

13. Discuss changing meeting time.

14. Review administrative reports.

15. Discuss any new or unfinished business

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Postal Service Delivery Issue

I know that the toxic wells and the water treatment plant are hot issues right now, but I have a minor little issue that I wanted to see if others were having a problem with lately with the USPS in our neighborhood. The postal carrier has gotten into the habit over the past couple of months or so of leaving packages balanced on top of mailboxes instead of placing them on the front doorstep or leaving a package pickup slip. I have several issues with this. First of all, it makes for a tempting target for mischievous teenagers or strangers driving through the neighborhood. Secondly, it leaves the package exposed to the weather (I have picked up a package that was totally drenched by the rain before because it rained that very afternoon after the mail was delivered). Thirdly, there is no telling how long the package may sit out there if a resident is out of town for a day or two which goes back to my first point regarding mischievous teenagers or strangers.

Does anyone else have this issue? I've noticed a couple of folks with packages on top of their mailboxes as well on Braxton Bragg. I'm assuming we have a new carrier on the route and he/she just doesn't want to make the effort to keep the packages safe and out of the elements.