Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Postal Service Delivery Issue

I know that the toxic wells and the water treatment plant are hot issues right now, but I have a minor little issue that I wanted to see if others were having a problem with lately with the USPS in our neighborhood. The postal carrier has gotten into the habit over the past couple of months or so of leaving packages balanced on top of mailboxes instead of placing them on the front doorstep or leaving a package pickup slip. I have several issues with this. First of all, it makes for a tempting target for mischievous teenagers or strangers driving through the neighborhood. Secondly, it leaves the package exposed to the weather (I have picked up a package that was totally drenched by the rain before because it rained that very afternoon after the mail was delivered). Thirdly, there is no telling how long the package may sit out there if a resident is out of town for a day or two which goes back to my first point regarding mischievous teenagers or strangers.

Does anyone else have this issue? I've noticed a couple of folks with packages on top of their mailboxes as well on Braxton Bragg. I'm assuming we have a new carrier on the route and he/she just doesn't want to make the effort to keep the packages safe and out of the elements.


Brian said...

Have had no problems with UPS, But i have had my car broken into on Braxston Brag The punks got away with my radar detector and knife. This occured in July, keep your eyes open.

A. Reed Watson said...

Where on Braxton Bragg? Do you have security lights on the exterior of your home?

Brian said...

Right Off of Mississippi park, and yes the security lights are motion tripped. It was probably just some kids, our neighbor also had her car broken in but they lit fire works and closed the door, huge mess.

A. Reed Watson said...

Great. I'm on Marymont Park and from time-to-time worry about the random kids that check in with a house down the street at odd hours of the night who may be up to no good...I can keep my GPS and radar detector inside, but fireworks...yeowza, that sucks.