Tuesday, September 25, 2012

RPMUD Board Meeting Thursday, 9/27/12

"Working for the Residents of River Plantation MUD"

Been having problems with my computer, but have not forgotten about past updates. 

Here's the agenda for this Thursday's meeting at 4 pm at the MUD office:

 1.  Call meeting to order and invocation

2.  Confirm minutes of 8/23/12 meeting

3.  Comments from the public

4.  Report on progress of GRP (Groundwater Reduction Plan)
     (Understood the attorney was going to be at the meeting to give an update)

5.  Discuss Texas Municipal League (TML) contact information
     (This is the MUD's insurance carrier.  ???)

 6.  Discuss/Approve FYE 2012 Audit Contract
     (Looking at three proposals)

7.  Review administrative reports

8.  Discuss any new or unfinished business