Friday, June 20, 2008

And the reason for this plant is????

Happened to be looking over the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District website, and came upon the following report: "Planning Level Study for Alternative Surface Water Pipeline Routing in Montgomery County, May 31, 2008." This report appears to be a condensed version of a March 2008 report. It was interesting to find that River Plantation is not scheduled to be part of this project until phase IV - the year 2045. Isn't this the reason for the water treatment plant?

Here is the link to this report:

If you cannot access this link, just click on the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District website - - and then to Board Activities on the top. Click on Publications and under LSGCD Reports, you will see this report. It is rather lengthy (368 pages), but informative and includes maps.

Maybe my mind is going, but does anyone remember the reason for this plant? Every reason RPMUD has given for the construction of this plant has been shot full of holes.

To refresh your memory, here are the reasons we have heard:

(1) Well #2 may fail. Well #3 is already supplying water to well #2 and has been for about eleven years.

(2) Plant #2 may fail. As we have done in the past when we needed to make repairs, we have used the interconnect to EPUD.

(3) Plant #2 may be hit by a hurricane. Same as above.

(4) Fire prevention. The VFD needs fire hydrants not another tank.

(5) The development across the freeway. The City of Conroe has water lines next to the property and can furnish water.

(6) Meet the 30% surface water needs. According to the LSGCD report, we won't be included in this project until 2045.

We are back to the very first of our emails: "We don't need it. Why build it?"

Those of you at the March 27, 2008, board meeting may recall that the purchase of 5 trees and 8 oleanders was approved. As of this date, 6 trees, 12 oleanders and 10 wax myrtles have been planted. Sprinkler lines have been installed. The grass in this area was being cut previously, but now the plants and the fence line are being edged. More maintenance.

This plant project, which was bid at $779,500 by Shier Construction, could exceed that number. Why are we spending this money for a project that we don't need and don't want at the front of our subdivision?

We have yet to be given a reason that makes sense. We have no growth here, yet this project will practically double the amount of our water storage. What am I missing? Can't this money be put to better use? At numerous board meetings, it was noted that upgrades need to be made to the sewer treatment plant. How about using it there?

Heard again that this rumor, that we knew about the water treatment plant before we bought our lot, is still going around. This story was started by the RPMUD office. RPMUD is a governmental body subject to the Open Records Act. All you have to do is make a request in writing to RPMUD that you want to see evidence that we knew about this plant before we bought our property. They have ten days to furnish the information. But, please, make the request to see for yourself or to silence anyone still spreading this story.

You can sign up to receive e-mail alerts from our blog: The board meeting is next week. Information about the meeting should be on the blog by Monday or early Tuesday.

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