Monday, April 6, 2009

Toxic Well Trip

Toxic Wells in Austin‏
From: Jennifer Real (
Sent: Mon 4/06/09 2:05 PM
To: (

Hello All....yes the update is long overdue!......I am truly sorry but have not had a free moment until right now.
Well the trip to Austin was an eye opening experience for me as well as a few others. The wheels turn slow but at a fast pace...if that makes any sense? Which I don't really know if any of it makes sense anymore.

We arrived at the Capitol approx 8:20 am....entered into The House Natural Resource Committee hearing room just in the nick of time, filled out the paperwork handed it in....and THEN??? they recessed until 11:30. Hurry up and wait..the name of our game it seems!
Approx 30+ people from CROW where there and now killing time. Many heading for coffee to wake up after the early morning call of 4:00 am leaving time. We walked around saw the House and Senate in session....sorry seemed a little slow in there (I know it was all very important stuff taking place...but it was not the toxic well issue I just could not focus).

Finally 11:30 came we all piled back into a standing room only hearing room (other issues on agenda and big oil opposition also in hearing room). We waited and waited....1:15 it finally resumed....okay.... the other issues got started. We were one of the last up. Mike Ward and myself along with....Brandon Creighton, David Walker, Lone Star Ground Water Conservation Dist., The Woodlands Representatives and a few others all testified in favor of the new legislation and why.

We were then rushed out to The Senate Natural Resource Committee Hearing (Did not get to hear the opposition to the legislation side ;-( except for Mr. Lou Ross...same ol' same ol' plea for poor pit a full him....we are picking on him). One other man we heard in opposition worked for a disposal company that serviced the small business owner that needs to dispose of waste and could benefit to using our proposed site...when asked what kinds of chemicals would go into these wells...he said "I don't know" then how do you know if they are safe or "non" toxic....I don't know the TCEQ regulates them. That was another shinning moment for safe and responsible disposal users we would be relying on to protect our aquifers. okay off to the Senate.

The Senate arrival time approx. 6:15 pm (LONG DAY) shortly after arriving we were up again...same people testified in favor of Nichols legislation. Same process but a little more stuffy and structured 3 min timer for all speakers. Several oil industry lobbyist were in attendance and spoke.... however Creighton and Nichols have written the bills as such and continue to tweak them to a peas as many scenarios as possible....We are all on the same page when it come to safe and responsible disposal. This location we are opposing is NOT SAFE OR RESPONSIBLE. Protection of our aquifers is in the committees hands. Say a prayer, fingers crossed...what ever it takes.

With all that said.....we know nothing else yet! The bills are pending in committee to be voted on to see if they make it to the floor for a vote to pass into legislation. I find it hard to understand since this is not against oil & gas industry.....or against injection wells everywhere....or against waste disposal....WHY IS THERE OPPOSITION about Safe and Responsible disposal....if they are opposing safety and responsibility then that is another issue? Oh well they did not ask me for my opinion.

I will say this Rep Brandon Creighton and Senator Nichols are awesome for writing the bills, taking the hard stance to make changes as needed in scenarios like ours (up against some tough opposition) and with the passion to work across party lines to better Texas for the people and business says allot and goes along way...Thanks Rep Creighton and Senator Nichols for doing whats right and believing in your communities.

A BIG thank you to the staff of both our all are wonderful. They all were very attentive, caring and there right with us through the very long day. You all made us feel welcomed and important in the process.....Thanks again for all you do.

Back on the road approx 7;30pm home by midnight. WOW that was a day...we won't forget! Thank you to everyone that could attend and for all those that sent emails in favor of the new legislation. "The Wheels continue to turn"

Okay that is this Conroe Girls version of the Trip to the Capital. Great day....great experience....great lessons learned. Will let you know when we hear more.

Jennifer Real

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